The Winners

by the 1st Industrial's Debating Competition 2009 at/on 18.55
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and the winners of the 1st IDC 2009 are :

the first winners: KRYPTONITE team (International Relations)

the second winners: Hitam Cokelat team (Industrial Engineering - team A) 

the third winners: Dream Team team (Industrial Engineering - team B)

the best speaker: Astri Agustina from Kryptonite


The Semifinalists

by the 1st Industrial's Debating Competition 2009 at/on 10.51
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The breaking teams :

- Kryptonite (International Relations team)
- Hitam Cokelat (Industrial Engineering-A team)
- Dream Team (Industrial Engineering-B team)
- LSiS (Physics team)

Technical Meeting

by the 1st Industrial's Debating Competition 2009 at/on 20.30
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Friday, May 15, 2009.
at M5 Room at 3 PM 
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department.
Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University.
Each team has to attend this technical meeting (min. 1 of team members in each team)


by the 1st Industrial's Debating Competition 2009 at/on 05.49
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Children and Schools

-THW require all state schools to teach safe sex regardless of parental consent
-THBT religion has no place in school
-TH supports home schooling


-THW allow states to quarantine immigrants to prevent the spread of swine influenza
-THBT Iraq has the right to freely prosecute all foreign soldiers for serious crimes committed in their nation
-TH supports Israel's effort to negotiate with Hamas


-THW ban all form of survey during election
-TH supports the ban of any congress supporting "golput"
-THW regulate all form of medication based on supranatural power

United States of America

-THBT US should pursue constructive engagement in dealing with rogue states
-THW abolish life sentences for youth offender
-THBT US should participate in Cluster Munitions Treaty

Human Rights

-THBT human rights protection is more important than national sovereignty
-THW abolish any form of affirmative actions
-THW grant the mentally ill and their families the right to refuse medical treatment


by the 1st Industrial's Debating Competition 2009 at/on 10.22
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Here we would  like to inform you all that the registration of the 1st Industrial's Debating Competition 2009 is about to start on April 29, 2009 at 7 AM - 5 PM, which is TODAY !! So make sure that you get your teams registered as soon as possible. Because there will be only 16 teams competing on this competition. Don't forget to catch the copies of your student cards, and also a Rp 75,000 for the registration fee.

The Committee of the 1st Industrial's Debating Competition

the poster

by the 1st Industrial's Debating Competition 2009 at/on 09.25
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click on the image to enlarge

by the 1st Industrial's Debating Competition 2009 at/on 11.12
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the 1st Industrial's Debating Competition 2009

Terms & Conditions of IDC 2009

by the 1st Industrial's Debating Competition 2009 at/on 10.27
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  • Groups of D3, S1, S2, or S3 (all programs) students with the criteria below.
  • The number of participant teams is limited to 16 teams only. So make sure that you get your team registered as soon as possible.

Participants criteria :
  1. All active D3, S1, S2, or S3 (all programs) students of Gadjah Mada University, proved with KTM.
  2. Each team consists of 3 speakers from the SAME major department.
  3. Each major department can only have max. 2 representative teams.
  4. Fulfilling the registration forms. The forms will have to be collected to the event committee in Jurusan Teknik Mesin dan Industri UGM Campus.

  • The registration starts from April 29 - May 13, 2009.
  • Registration fee : Rp 75,000 per team
  • Technical meeting will be held on Friday May 15, 2009.
  • The knock-outs system will be used during the competition.
  • The adjudicators decision will be absolute.
  • There will be 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th winners and one special award for the best-speaker at the end of the competition.
  • Official site :
  • E-mail :
  • Contact person : Aldo (0819 08785 038)

The Schedule

  • Date : Saturday - Sunday / May 16 - 17, 2009
  • Place : Campus of Jurusan Teknik Mesin dan Industri UGM - Jln. Grafika No.2
  • Time : Saturday 7 AM - 5 PM & Sunday 7 AM - 12.30 PM

The Prizes
  • 1st Winner : Rp 300,000 + Trophy + Certificates
  • 2nd Winner : Rp 240,000 + Trophy + Certificates
  • 3rd Winner : Rp 210,000 + Trophy + Certificates
  • 4th Winner : Trophy + Certificates
  • Special award : The Best Speaker Certificate
  • Other participants will get certificate each

Background of IDC 2009

by the 1st Industrial's Debating Competition 2009 at/on 07.41
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The era of globalization that full of competition will require us to continuously improve ourselves competences. One of the variables that cause someone said to have competency is skills. One of those skills that is important at this time is the ability to master the English language both actively and passively. The ability to speak and write must be in balance. To improve the ability to speak and think creatively, especially among students of Gadjah Mada University, is our main aim why we are having this kind of debating competition.

Critical and creative thinking are needed these days, with a debating competition among college students, it is expected to stimulate and develop it. To provide facilities for students in public speaking and competing in the international world, Departemen Pengembangan Wawasan Keilmuan of Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Industri UGM is trying to accomodate it by holding the very first "Industrial's Debating Competition" 2009.

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